Seasonal Living: Summer
Creative Lifestyle Mariah Scott Creative Lifestyle Mariah Scott

Seasonal Living: Summer

Our seasons are marked by CHANGE.

Change of weather yes. But also change in the foods we eat and how we spend our time. Change in how much sleep we need and how often we go outside. Change in the clothes we wear and the energy we have. Even changes in the music we listen to and the shows we watch.

Change in the fruits in season and the number of baked goods we consume. Change in the temperature of our coffee and our thermostats. Change in how often it rains and whether we grow our plants inside or outside.

It’s a constant cycle of change… so why should our work and businesses look the SAME in those seasons?

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Working in Rhythms: The Power of Seasonal Productivity
Wellness, Creativity Mariah Scott Wellness, Creativity Mariah Scott

Working in Rhythms: The Power of Seasonal Productivity

In a world that often celebrates the hustle and glorifies non-stop productivity, I think it’s worth considering the idea that life actually happens in seasons. Working rhythms into your life is about syncing your efforts with the seasons of life, setting schedules that align with your lifestyle, and honoring the natural rhythms that exist within and around you. Want to know a little more about what that could look like? Let’s talk…

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Living Seasonally
Wellness Mariah Scott Wellness Mariah Scott

Living Seasonally

Living seasonally is so important, especially when you live in a place extreme variances in temperature or daylight. Taking care of your body and wellness can be as simple as embracing the season you are in. Here are 4 simple ways to embrace the winter season ❄️

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